Wednesday, June 15, 2011


For many of the followers of this blog, you might have noticed an extended period with no posts. That is because we have been moving in. A few important date bullets:

  • Over Memorial Day weekend, May 27th - 30th, we moved out of our apartment and into our house.
  • We spent our first night here on Friday, May 27th. 
  • Jeremy put up our mailbox just in time on Monday, May 30th. We had already started forwarding our mail. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
  • We finally closed on the house Thursday, June 9th.
  • We've not been able to blog since moving in because until Friday, June 10th we were without Internet. After hours of getting the runaround from Windstream we decided to go with Affordable Internet Solutions. They put a small receiver on our roof which communicates with the water tower and gets us decent speed for being in the country.
  • We planted our first garden at the new house on Tuesday, June 14th. 
The girls love the house and are enjoying being "country girls". They have parodied John Denver's Thank God I'm a Country Boy and enjoy singing that.

We're hoping to get some pictures posted soon to show all the fun stuff we've been doing, but we have been moving constantly since the big move (and even before that) so be patient and we'll have more fun stuff for you.

Overall, we've had a few issues, but we are loving our house and are starting to really feel at home there.

God is so good to us.